Life to the Full

Every week we dive deep into growth strategy, relationship building, and becoming the kind of founder that creates impact as a force for good.

Does your enterprise prioritize people?

Published: Wed, 02/14/24

In my past ventures I have made the mistake of prioritizing the product or the profits over the people. Business can be a force for good when it first…

Success is a sucky teacher

Published: Wed, 02/07/24

Success is a sucky teacher. Learning from mistakes and hard knocks are painful but part of the process. Have a listen to this honest but hopeful…

Can I see my blindspots?

Published: Wed, 01/31/24

I've made my share of mistakes, in life and leadership. Have a listen to a recent conversation I had with my friend and colleague Vijay about how to…

The “Trust Issues” Issue

Published: Wed, 01/24/24

How well would you do in “the Love Lab?” Psychologist, professor and author John Gottman created a lab to be able to observe married couples in their…

Are there mercenaries amongst your team?

Published: Wed, 01/17/24

“I did not have se with that woman”Some of us are old enough to recall those famous words spoken by a former US president regarding an accusation of…

Who do you think you are?

Published: Wed, 12/13/23

Written by Vijay Krishnan and Brad Pedersen Around 1910, the story goes, the London Times requested essay submissions responding to the prompt “What…

(Don’t) bring the house down

Published: Tue, 12/05/23

Written by Vijay Krishnan, Full Spectrum Perhaps Jenga has been such a universal hit because, somehow, this simple game has tapped into the universal…

Use things, love people (not vice versa)

Published: Thu, 11/16/23

Written by Vijay Krishnan, Full Spectrum In chapter 8 of StartUp Santa we e plore the quality of life quadrant to better understand the dynamic…

zoe or just bios?

Published: Wed, 11/08/23

In chapter 2 of StartUp Santa, the real Mystery of Monopoly is revealed by e ploring how a game that is supposedly focused on greed actually has so…

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